Choose between Remote healing or an intense personal healing session. Either form of i-Reiki does not interfere with any existing treatments and both forms of i-Reiki deliver amazing results.
Yes, even pets can receive and benefit from i-Reiki healing. With a similar Chakra system to humans, the effects of i-Reiki can really help with behavioural, physical and health issues for your pet.
Arrange a corporate day for employees to receive i-Reiki within the office environment. Companies can contribute to the sessions if desired. Employee wellbeing is of paramount importance.
Find out how i-Reik can benefit you by booking your no obligation, no catch, totally free consultation. We understand people may not know the power of i-Reiki and we also understand that you may have some questions on how i-Reiki can help you with problems in your life. i-Reiki is here to help you. All you have to do is click the button.
We offer i-Reiki for you to improve you physically, mentally and spiritually. Start your journey to a better you today. Our services have helped many people deal with long standing issues, current ailments and desired goals. Now's the time to act by booking a session to kick start the healing process.
5 Principles of Reiki
Just for today I will not worry.
Just for today I will not get angry.
Just for today I will do my work honestly.
Just for today I will give gratitude for my many blessings.
Just for today I will be kind to every living thing.